The history of PBT (Promel Brunella Technologies ) dates back to 1955, when Pierre Brunella and Roger Simon set up a molding company for rubber parts. After numerous changes of ownership, the company was incorporated into the Acaplast Group in 2000, which was won over by PBT’s production potential. Since then, the PBT site has produced rubber, silicone and thermoplastic parts for many applications.

Our Expertise

PBT has numerous means of production to meet the demands of its customers:
  • Rubber injection: 16 presses
  • Two-component silicone injection: 4 presses
  • Thermoplastic elastomer injection: 3 presses
  • Compression: 4 presses
  • In addition, its facilities include peripheral equipment (ovens, extruders, etc.)

Our Capabilities

Promel Brunella Technologies operates mainly in technical sectors to meet the needs of the automotive, cosmetics, respiratory protection, household appliances, connectors and aeronautics industries.

Our Certifications

PBT is ISO 9001: 2015 and IATF 16949 certified.

Contact Us

2 Rue de Selles
51490 Pontfaverger-Moronvilliers
Phone: +33 3 26 48 72 73
Acaplast Map



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